Older Adult Services

We offer seniors outreach support, case management and home support services to help seniors age in Edmonton and the surrounding community. We also provide referrals to service providers offering snow removal, yard help, housekeeping,home repair and maintenance, personal services, and moving help.

Services include:

  • Senior Outreach, including Social Prescribing and Seniors Home Supports Program
  • Home Support, including Holocaust Survivor Support and Private Home Support Services

We are proud to work in partnership with FCSS, SAGE and ESCC, and collaboratively with many others, to provide Coordinated Outreach Services across the Edmonton Region.

Social Prescribing (SRx)

The project is being supported by the Government of Alberta and by Healthy Aging Alberta to reduce the pressure on Alberta’s healthcare system. All referrals for the program must be made by a healthcare provider. 

For more information on Social Prescribing Services, please watch the videos below.

Social Prescribing in Alberta: A Prescription for Change

This version explains what social prescribing is, why it is needed, and what it is looking like in Alberta.

Social Prescribing in Alberta: A Prescription for Change – Client Stories

This version still explains what social prescribing is but features more client stories to better articulate the impact of the services.

Senior Support Program

Our Seniors Support Program provides case management, referrals, and resources to seniors and older adults from all backgrounds. This may include support with navigating government and health services to seniors, home support options, help with food security, social isolation, and affordable housing and placement.

For further information about Older Adult Services, please contact us by phone at 780-454-1194 or email us at info@jfse.org.