Outreach Services

Our Outreach Services started as a grassroots support to the Jewish community and grew to offer support to people of all backgrounds, at no fee. We specialized in tailored services to newcomers and seniors 

Jewish Family Services does not directly provide financial assistance. Please click here to see the list of financial resources available in Edmonton for emergency or ongoing financial support.

Community Support Program 

Our Community Support Program supports newcomers in Edmonton, and also helps established individuals facing complex situations. We can help you navigate available social services and address current challenges like employment and language barriersOur services include:  

  • Canadian Newcomer SupportOffers settlement information, community referrals, money and stress management, and support in job hunting in Canada.   
  • Friendly English Classes: Our English conversation classes are for people with intermediate/advanced levels of English. We focus on building relationships and having fun while practicing Canadian English, conversation, and culture. Our classes are free and take place in Zoom during weekdays. 


FREE English classes

Please note that our online and library English classes are currently on break. For updates and information on class schedules, kindly reach out to us in April 2025. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!

Would you, or someone you know, like to:

– Build your conversation skills and confidence
– Pronounce English words correctly
– Read more fluently
– Use correct English grammar
– Expand your understanding of the English language
– Discuss current topics with a group of interested, interesting people
– Learn about Canadian culture

Please contact Jeni at 780-454-1194 ext. 223, community@jfse.org.

We can invite you into our FREE English classes within a week!

Jewish Community Outreach

We assist community members with friendly calls, referrals, systems navigation, advocacy, and Jewish cultural support that include hosting community events and delivering holiday baskets.

Contact us 

For further information about Community and Newcomer Support,  Jewish Community Outreach, please call us at 780-454-1194, or email info@jfse.org. We will get back to you within three business days. 

Sigma Alpha Mu Scholarships ​

Sigma Alpha Mu (SAM) was a fraternity that provided fellowship and housing to Jewish students at the University of Alberta Campus from the 1940s till the 1970’s. After the property was soldSAM trustees used the investment earnings to support Jewish students through scholarships. SAM offers $1,000 to Jewish students attending a full-time (min. 3 full courses or equivalent) degree program at the University of Alberta. The number of scholarships awarded varies depending on the amount available for distribution (i.e., investment earnings) and the number of awards granted.  

Applications for the scholarship will begin to be accepted in the spring of 2025.

Click here for more info about Sigma Alpha Mu Scholarships.

What Our Clients Say


“Thank you again for coaching me one on one “to survive” an interview. I kind of was more confident and I got the position in Spruce Grove with the Parkland School Board.”

– client

“I also built a social network when I took part in different gatherings and workshops. This helped me understand (by allowing me to meet other people in transition) and cope better with the barriers I was identifying in my life. These groups were a significant source of social contact for me.”


“It always make a difference for people like us to know that someone out there is always ready to help when needed”


“I don’t know if I would have “given up” without the program, but my life would have been less rich and more difficult, that’s for sure”.


“I would like to express my comment about this class. It is friendly and feel like learning with friends who come from different background. I like to go there to talk and sharing information with other.”

– client

“from brainstorming about my difficulties to help with the necessary, JFS offered me what I needed when I needed it.”

– client

“They recognized my strengths and expected me to do my own work while they supported, advocated for and informed me. This left me feeling good about myself, our interactions and the organization”
